The streets of Lacombe were packed with people waiting for this year’s Echo Energy Santa Claus Parade. Last year’s festivities were cancelled due to a steep rise in COVID-19 cases. Meanwhile, this year’s events were adjusted to manage social distancing and crowds. 

Santa Claus, great weather, and a long-awaited event brought thousands to the streets of Lacombe to watch the parade as well as to shop local businesses.  Many businesses were open extended hours and offered special deals in honour of the event.  Special guests like, Santa Claus, the Grinch, Elf and Sunny marched the streets of Lacombe.

Following the parade, crowds dispersed to check out the beautiful light display and ice sculpture at Lest We Forget Park. 

Some went to St. Andrew United Church where they were hosting their ‘Lift someone into the light’ event recognizing positivity in the community by sticking a memory or person who has been their light through the challenges faced this year by sticking them inside an ornament and onto the tree outside the church. 

Others went to the Lacombe Memorial Centre to check out the Mary C. Moore Library’s book sale, the Lacombe Christmas Faire, and Under $100 Art Market to support local crafters and artists. 

Light Up the Night events are not over yet. Several events and activities will be running until Saturday night.