The City’s Waste Management Team is delivering reusable recycling bags and recycling information to multi-family properties to help residents better use the recycling program.

“We know Red Deerians are already great recyclers,” said Janet Whitesell, Waste Management Superintendent. “Providing additional tools such as the reusable recycling bag to multi-family residents is one way to take our recycling game to the next level.”

These additional tools are being delivered directly to multi-family residents or distributed by property managers. The reusable bags are for gathering and storing recycling. Once the bag is full, it can be used to carry the recycling to the building’s recycling area. After emptying the bag into the recycling bin, it can be reused for gathering and storing more recycling materials. The bags are washable and are made of 100% post-consumer recycled material. The Waste Management Team is also in the process of ensuring recycling bins at multi-family properties are blue and garbage bins are black to make it clear which bin is for recycling, and which is for garbage.

The City has also enhanced their website so residents and property managers/owners can find other important information such as the waste sorting tool and the answers to frequently asked questions.  

Multi-family residents or property managers with questions are encouraged to reach out by calling the Blue Line at 403-342-BLUE (2583) or emailing