During their June 23rd Board of Trustees meeting, the Red Deer Catholic Regional School board passed a motion that permanently closed St. Gabriel Online School, which will come into effect on August 15th once the summer school program is completed. 

This follows a number of consultations with parents, staff, and students, including a virtual Town Hall back on May 28th.

The closure is a result of changes made to how education is being funded by the Alberta Government, especially online (or distance) education, making St. Gabriels no longer a financially viable option.

Following the schools closure, online courses will be delivered through École Secondaire Notre Dame High School and St. Joseph High School in Red Deer, and St. Dominic Catholic High School in Rocky Mountain House.

18 teachers will be available to support the high school learners who specialize in the four core subject areas of English, Math, Social, and the Sciences, along with 14 teachers who offer online non-core courses, such as Religion, CALM, CTS, and physical education programs. 

“Closing St. Gabriel Online School was a difficult decision for the Board. Several alternatives were considered, along with stakeholder feedback. In the end, we feel that moving the online learning into our high schools is the best compromise possible and will continue to serve our students well, whether they’re taking one or two blended learning classes or their entire education online. We thank all stakeholders for sharing their stories, concerns, and ideas. We also thank our staff who worked at St. Gabriel Online School over the years, making meaningful connections with students through excellent distance and online education,” said Anne Marie Watson, Board Chair at Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools.