From the City of Red Deer:

Red Deer City Council will be presented with the principles and concepts that guided the development of a new Vehicles for Hire Bylaw during the regular Council Meeting on Monday, November 25, 2019.

Over the last while, City Administration has been reaching out to industry stakeholders, customers and citizens in an effort to build a bylaw that responds to the needs of the community as a whole. Through this process, stakeholders and members of the public reviewed and commented on changes to the draft bylaw.

“The need to ensure safety for the public, drivers and the industry was a primary focus in developing this bylaw,” said Erin Stuart, Inspections and Licensing Manager, “We aimed to reduce red tape for industry while considering the need to create fair and equitable processes for everyone in the industry.”

The goal of the bylaw that will be presented for first reading on December 9 is to ensure the sustainability, accessibility and safety of drivers and customers who use and operate vehicles for hire in Red Deer, while meeting the needs of vehicle for hire businesses, service providers and customers in a balanced approach.