From Cilantro and Chive:

Thanks to an AWESOME group of Leadership students and the Father Lacombe Catholic School community, we were thrilled today (November 14th, 2019) to turn over the proceeds from our confetti cake ice cream sandwich pop-up sale held at the school last month.

These grades 4-6 Leadership students work hard to organize events at the school; everything from fundraisers to social justice projects. There was nothing but smiles when they jumped in to help us scoop and serve 154 ice cream sandwiches to fellow students and staff.

In September we kicked off our new Ice Cream Sandwich Program which sees $1 from every one of these treats sold at the restaurant donated to a local school. Until the end of this month, Father Lacombe will be on the receiving end of those funds. Our plan was to also give back $1 from every ice cream sandwich sold at the pop-up sale to the school, but with the positive, energetic, warm welcome we received, we decided to kick back the entire $4 per sandwich cost, translating into $616!

School Principal Maria Wagner says the money will be used for their Student Support Fund. The school dips into that fund for various needs; providing snacks in the classroom for kids who haven’t had breakfast before arriving to school, for students who want to play sports or be involved in other extracurricular activities that may not be able to because of financial reasons, it’s also been utilized to provide gift cards to school families in need.

In December we’ll be on the road again scooping at another school, stay tuned!