The Government of Alberta has announced that it will be expanding their booster COVID-19 vaccine program to all Albertans aged 18 and older.

Starting immediately, all Albertans who received their second shot of the COVID-19 booster can book their third dose.

“I know that many Albertans are eager to get a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine and we are pleased to now offer booster doses to all Albertans aged 18 and older five months after their second dose. Albertans who choose to get a third dose and make use of rapid tests are doing their part to help slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Minister of Health Jason Copping.

Pfizer will be offered to Albertans to 18 to 29 years of age for booster purposes as a cautionary measure. While there is a slightly increased risk of myocarditis in younger Albertans from Moderna, especially in males, individuals are much more likely to experience myocarditis from COVID-19 infection than the vaccine.

You can book your appointment for a booster by clicking here.