Sometimes I think people are scared to make the change to veganism because they think all we eat are variations of salad for every meal! But it couldn't be less true! We eat all the same foods as anyone else, but just with a few variations to make it vegan, but equally as delicious!

Last night I was craving comfort food, it's cold out the past few days, a few cms of snow fell overnight, and something warm, gooey and delicious like lasagna was just what the doctor ordered!

I used brown rice pasta noodles instead of tradition lasagna, making this also gluten free. It is such an easy recipe and makes a BIG Lasagna. Here are the ingredients.

1 Pack of Lasagna sheets

For tomato sauce
2 cups mushrooms
1 can of black beans
1 can chopped tomatoes
1 can tomato paste
1 medium/ large onion (whatever your preference)
1 large carrot
3 garlic cloves
1 vegetable bullion cube 
2 tsp oregano
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp paprika
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

For the “cheese” sauce
1 cup cashew nuts
1 small piece of spring onion
1/2 lime juice
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup water
4 tbsp nutritional yeast
small bunch of parsley

1) Boil your noodles according to steps listed on box and set aside

2) In a pot, cook beans, carrots, onions and mushrooms on medium heat. After 10 minutes mix in tomatoes and tomato puree and spices. Set aside

3) In a blender, mix cashews and “cheese” sauce ingredients, set aside.

4) Begin layering lasagna. Noodles on the bottom, then tomato sauce, “cheese sauce” and one hearty layer of spinach. Repeat until casserole dish is filled.

5) Top with any vegan shredded cheese of your choice. I went with Daiya Jalapeno Havarti.

6) Bake 375 for 30 mins covered and 15 minutes uncovered. Let sit for 15 minutes and ENJOY!!