Students in the area are gearing up for the holiday season. Christmas concerts have wrapped up and tests and projects have all come to a temporary pause for a break during the holidays.

Many schools throughout Central Alberta will close their doors on Friday, December 20th to let students enjoy their holidays break.

Three students from Mrs. Biberdorf’s grade 4 class at Clive School each shared how they plan to celebrate.

Gabbi Bothner apparently takes her holidays to the extreme.

“One of the best parts we do is we have this Christmas thing where we go sledding. Last year, I went sledding with my cousins, and we tied the sleds to the back of a tractor and there’s like a hayride. Last time I went, I almost lost my head,” said Bothner.

This year, Bothner is looking forward to spending time with her family. She is hoping to get a Nintendo Switch for Christmas so that she can play Zelda Breath of the Wild over the holidays.

Stan Wilpshaar already has a Nintendo Switch. Instead, he’s looking towards the future, asking for a hoverboard for Christmas. Wilpshaar loves presents, but he couldn’t really decide on what his favourite tradition is.

“Gee, I don’t know, decorating the tree,” said Stan, adding that his favourite ornament was the star that his mom helped him place on top of the tree this year.

Avayah VanNieukirk said she's most looking forward to catching up with her sister.

“My sister lives in the U.S.A so she would fly and come over and she would celebrate Christmas with us. She comes every summer and winter, so I am very excited to see her this year,” said VanNieukirk.

Avayah is also a big fan of presents and is hoping to receive some air pods as a gift this year.

Most of the students and staff of Wolf Creek Public School Division are set to return on January 6th but student's school schedules are available through the WCPSD website.