It’s that time of year again, and not a time that anyone has really ever looked forward too. Skunk breeding season is back and that means Pepe Le Pew is out and ready for action. 

In their effort to be the chosen male they may fight with other males, spraying them with that nasty, sulphur smell in the process.

Carol Kelly from Medicine River Wildlife centre says many people don’t realize that these skunky animals are usually harmless and that most people approach them incorrectly.

“They are really passive, they go about their business and ignore you if they can hear you, so call your dog in and just talk a little and they’ll walk along.”

Another myth, she adds is that tomato juice won’t help you out in a stinky situation.

“You’ll end up with a skunky smelling red stinky dog if you try to wash him with tomato juice, that’s an urban myth,” she laughs, “somebody maybe did it once and thought that it worked or something, I have no idea where that came from.”

Her opinion on getting rid of the smell comes down to science.

“There is a lovely recipe where you combine hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap.. you can shampoo your dog with it too.”

That recipe is four cups of 3% hydrogen peroxide, a quarter of a cup of baking soda, and one teaspoon of liquid dish soap.

Kelly says if you leave the stinky friends alone, they’ll leave you alone.

For advice, support, and solutions to skunk conflict situations call the Medicine River Wildlife Centre at 403-728-3467 or visit