The Town of Ponoka is ready to host the fourth annual Walk ‘N’ Roll Challenge starting on May 1st. 

Participants are encouraged to use any form of non-motorized transportation such as walking, biking, or rollerblading to get to their destinations and keep track of how often they walk or ‘roll’ on the Town of Ponoka’s website. Trips are based on reached destinations, so the ‘to’ and ‘from’ portion of each trip counts as two trips in total. A trip is not just walking or biking for exercise or recreation; the participant must be going to a destination.

“Walk ‘N’ Roll is a great opportunity to get out and enjoy all of the parks, trails and other recreation amenities that we have in Ponoka,” said Town of Ponoka Recreation Coordinator, Andrew Jones. “With a newly expanded trail system and many new park improvements in Ponoka over the last year, citizens can explore some of these new quality of life improvements in the community while staying active and enjoying the fresh air.”

Those who participate in ‘Walk ‘N’ Roll may be eligible to enter a monthly prize draw. To register for the event and record your trips you can click the link here. If you have questions you can call the Town Office by Phone at 403-783-4431 or email