The 11th Annual ELUE MOCK ROCK has come and gone once again!

Mr. Rankins class from Ecole Lacombe Upper Elementary School had put tons of time and effort into putting together Mock Rock – a night of air guitar, lip syncing, and dance routines. The top grade 6 performances from each homeroom put on quite a show! As well as a wild card pick and a special teacher’s performance to finish the night!


FIRST PLACE: Charlie Daniels (Devil Went Down to Georgia)

Alex Bailey, Austin Kind, Zach Talma, and Ryder Wyatt


SECOND PLACE: Billy Joel (Still Rock And Roll To Me)

Griffin Lunn and Aylwen Dumont


THIRD PLACE: Ray Parker Jr (Ghostbusters)

Jena Morgen, Keziah Rogers


The teachers ended then night with a bobblehead performance of Top 40 hits all mashed together!

Darcy Stingel from the Sunny 94 crew was there as a special guest judge! We look forward to being a part of the 12th Annual Mock Rock event next year!