The scheduled Thursday, March 21st visit of the Man Van at The Lacombe Memorial Centre has been cancelled due to bad weather. The team has to travel to different areas and don't want to risk the safety of their team. If the event should be re-scheduled we will provide an update.


Original story

The Man Van, which is the Prostate Cancer Centre's mobile clinic, will be coming to Lacombe on Thursday, March 21st. It will be providing free PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood tests at The Lacombe Memorial Centre from 11 AM – 3 PM for men aged 50-70. 

The MAN VAN offers a non-invasive PSA blood test, which is a simple way to get valuable information regarding your prostate health. We also offer additional health measurements including blood pressure, blood sugar, waist circumference and mental wellness checks for all men 18+. Conducted by medical professionals, the testing is completely free of charge, no appointments are needed, and the patients will get their results directly from us within 1 week.

man van

“We understand the barriers that men face with addressing health challenges but believe that all men should have access to this life saving test. So very simply, the MAN VAN® helps to remove those barriers and go to where the men are.” said Prostate Cancer Centre CEO Jeff Davison. “We are excited to bring our mobile clinic to Lacombe’s Spring Tune-Up health and safety event and hope that it will help men take the first steps in prioritizing their health.”

Health is not always top of mind for many men, so they are likely to avoid preventive care and will only see a physician when the symptoms are severe. Combined with work and family commitments, limited access to health care – visiting the doctor becomes less of a priority. Men don’t talk about their health and given that they, on average, live 5 years less than women

For more information click here