The students of St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School honoured Canadian veterans by participating in ‘No Stone Left Alone,’ on Monday, November 4th at the Red Deer Cemetery. Although the movement has been held in surrounding Central Albertan communities this only the second year that it has been held in the Red Deer area.

“The idea behind ‘No Stone Left Alone,’ is that it just allows students to participate in remembering and honouring those veterans in more of an authentic and meaningful way. It just creates more impact.,” said Haleigh Packer, Spokesperson for Red Deer Catholic Schools.

City of Red Deer Mayor Tara Veer, some of the city’s councillors, and the Red Deer Catholics’ board of trustees joined the students for support. After a short Remembrance Day Ceremony, at the Red Deer Cemetery students paid their respects to Canada’s fallen heroes by placing poppies on veterans’ graves.

“Sometimes it’s hard to really realize what these people have gone through. That’s the whole piece behind authentic learning is putting what students have learned into practice,” said Packer.

The students eventually divided off to visit gravestones which Packer felt gave the students an individualized and unique experience.

“It gave the students the opportunity to pray individually, reflect individually, to place a poppy on the gravestone. Some of the students today were surprised by just how young some of those veterans were,” said Packer.

Honouring and remembering fallen veterans was not the only goal in mind; understanding Canada’s history is also part of the school curriculum. Overall, the event was a valuable experience for students who although are far from war, still have families impacted by war and gave them the chance to reflect on that.


From the Town of Sylvan Lake: 

On November 5th, students from the Town of Sylvan Lake Ment to Matter program, joined members of the Sylvan Lake Legion, Council, and community to recognize those that have served our country through a "No Stone Left Alone" ceremony.

"I was grateful to be able to join students from across our community, caring volunteers, members of our local Legion, and staff and members of Council for the Town of Sylvan Lake, at the Lakeview Cemetery for the No Stone Left Alone ceremonies, today.

Even though it was cold, windy and snowy today, an attitude of respect and a commitment to remembrance carried everyone to honour those who have served by placing a poppy and spending time beside the gravestone of each veteran. There are more than 100 in the Lakeview Cemetery.

More and more, I am encouraged by the season of remembrance that has been developing in Sylvan Lake, which gives honour where honour is due. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them."