Ryan and Serica Keehns of Ponoka are looking to give Ukrainian orphan children a few weeks of normalcy in their lives.

The couple are looking for interested people to open up their homes to host the foreign children, who may be living a very hard life overseas.

This past summer, the Keehns opened up their home and brought two kids here to spend a few weeks with them. They did this through a company called Frontier Horizon and are looking for others that would be interested in doing the same over Christmas.

There is a cost involved with bringing the children over, between flights and visas and other transportation fees, but there is a sponsorship program available and the couple says there are other ways of helping.

Ryan explains that every little bit helps, “a lot of people wish they could help, and then they feel discouraged about themselves when they say, we can’t have orphan kids here this year.”

It’s also possible to help monetarily to get these kids into host homes.

“Some people have fundraised their host costs, some people have gotten church support” says Serica.

The process to get started is simple; you download an application form on their website and submit, then shortly after you will be contacted by someone to talk about the opportunity.

The company is not an adoption agency either, they simply look for families to ‘host’ they orphans, but for the Keehns that wasn’t enough. After hosting 8-year-old Oksana and 11-year-old Krill this summer, they couldn’t let them go.

“These kids get to come and experience parents with open hearts that will love them for 5 weeks.” But that didn’t cut it says the couple, “we fell in love with them.”