Council has awarded the Lacombe Regional Airport North Taxiway Extension contract to DB Bobcat Services Ltd.

They have granted an award in the amount of $123,215 plus GST and will be shared as followed:

  • City of Lacombe: 50%
  • County of Lacombe: 25%
  • Lacombe Flying Club: 25%

The project came in 11 per cent over budget. The City’s portion of the deficit will be funded first through carry-over Federal Gas Tax Grant allocations, with any amount remaining funded from the General Capital Reserve.

Community Services Director Brenda Vaughn says the changes are to create future possibilities for growth and a sustainable future for the airport.

“I don’t think it’s a drastic change but it is a sustainable investment that will maintain the airport and provide continued service in the region.”

This announcement follows the recent awarding of the airport’s runway lighting contract to Signal Electric Ltd. for a hardwired LED light system.

“Their conclusion was that the airport facility was a beneficial piece of infrastructure for the region that it served economic purposes and that it certainly warranted further investment.”

This project was moved up from 2022 to 2018 in order to take advantage of provincial government grant funding.