Thanks to a landmark Supreme Court ruling known as the Jordan decision, trials heard by the Court of Queen's Bench must conclude in 30 months. In provincial court, cases must finish within 18 months. If not, charges risk being stayed.
Red Deer city councillor Buck Buchanan fears that prosecution of property crimes will fall in priority because of those time limits.
Council approved his call last night to ask Alberta Justice and RCMP's K Division to come up with a different way to hear these cases.
One of Buchanan's ideas is to create courts that deal specifically with property crimes.
"We've got early disclosure court. We've got domestic violence court. We've got traffic court," Buchanan said. "Let's try it for property. If it's theft or vandalism ... let's get it in there and get it moving so they can't ... get rid of it."
The city will also ask the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to adopt Buchanan's idea as an advocacy priority.