With the twin arenas now open at the G.H. Dawe Community Centre, The City will continue with it’s plan to decommission the Kinex Arena. The facility will no longer serve as a recreation amenity for the community.

“We understand the distinct history the Kinex Arena has to sport, recreation and community life here in our city,” says Curtis Martinek, Facilities & Asset Management Superintendent. He continues, “we would like to invite Red Deerians to bid farewell to this amenity which has served our community for over 50 years.”

The Kinex Arena was originally built in 1967 and has provided over 5 decades of fun, sport and recreation. As a farewell, The City is hosting a free public drop-in event.

Free Kinex Arena Farwell Event
Saturday, April 1
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
4725 A - 43 Street

Join us for free skating through the ages with themed music each hour and hot chocolate, coffee and light snacks in the upper mezzanine. While enjoying free refreshments, walk back in time through archived images of the Kinex Arena.