City of Red Deer Administration has been given the go ahead to work with the Government of Alberta on the future permanent emergency housing project. 

In 2019, the Provincial government announced $7 million to fund a permanent shelter in Red Deer. In November of 2020, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by both the City and the Province that demonstrated the shared intentions for the project. 

“Our number one priority as Council is to get a permanent emergency housing site built and operational so our vulnerable population have a consistent safe place to go, day and night. This project is absolutely critical for our community,” said Mayor Ken Johnston. “The operating model Council supports will provide wrap around services, a place for people to go that is safe and also provides them the support they need to one day be able to have a permanent place to call home. We have handed the baton over to administration to be able to take the next steps on making this a reality.”

Administration has also been advised to work with the Province on neighbourhood integration strategies to support areas surrounding the future shelter. The location of the shelter has not been determined yet. 

“Administration is going to work with the province to lay the ground work for a successful outcome based operating model at the site, as well as seamlessly integrating the site into our community. The work that is done in advance of construction will help to achieve that,” said Mayor Johnston “Every person is impacted by homelessness in one way or another, supporting those who are struggling to get back on their feet is imperative to the overall success of our community, not just those who will access the services.”

The Government of Alberta will be responsible for contracting service providers to the new facility.