The City of Red Deer has given first reading to the proposed amendments to the Community Standards Bylaw. The bylaw is a means of regulating nuisances, unsightly premises, and public disturbances.

The bylaw is also used by RCMP and Inspections and Licensing and Municipal Policing Services for enforcement.

The amendments are a result public participation, operational needs, and previous direction received from public participation, operational needs and previous direction received from Council. They include the following:

Prohibiting the keeping of livestock on residential sites within the City

The amendment involving livestock is intended to fill a gap until a full animal bylaw can be approved by Council, anticipated by the end of 2022. There is a need to address this specific category now, to address the ever-increasing volume of inquiries for residential livestock. The amendment recommends no livestock to be allowed on a residential site and sets out a penalty for those in breach of the bylaw. This is in alignment with what The City heard during previous public engagement on keeping animals within our city.

Regulations for shopping carts

New regulations for shopping carts may prohibit abandoning a cart on the street and removing a cart from a business’ property. Additionally, administration will bring back further information for second and third reading after fielding numerous questions from City Council on this item.

Addressing vehicle noise on private property

The challenge of noise has existed in the community for many years. Increased complaints regarding vehicle noise indicates it continues to be a significant concern for citizens. The proposed bylaw amendment includes a recommended decibel (dBA) level for a vehicle while at idle and while at speed greater than idling, 92 dBA and 96 dBA respectively, with a penalty of $250 for non-compliance.

Several options related to residential noise were presented for Council’s consideration, ranging from very broad to very specific regulations. After researching other Alberta municipalities’ practices, Administration recommended against a time restriction or specific decibel level. 

Second and third readings of the bylaw amendments related to noise and livestock are scheduled to take place at the Monday, May 9, 2022, regular City Council meeting with second and third readings of the amendments related to shopping carts expected back in approximately six to eight weeks.