Due to the hot dry summer, harvest is kicking off a little bit earlier this year. During this time, the Lacombe County would like to remind drivers to take extra precaution and practice patience around harvest equipment this harvest season.

“Lacombe County is an agricultural community. The summer produced too much heat and not enough rain, and our producers need to complete their annual harvest quickly in order to save as much yield as possible,” said Lacombe County Reeve Paula Law. “With that in mind, road courtesy is important no matter where you are driving, and we ask everyone to practice patience on local roads – whether you’re driving in Lacombe County or venturing elsewhere in the province.”

Slow-moving farm equipment will be on the roads more frequently during this time when several people are still heading out for their summer holidays.  The Lacombe County recommends allowing for extra time to arrive in order to compensate for potential delays.

“We are a rural county, and during harvest season, we ask both agricultural producers, travellers and dayto-day drivers using County roads to stay alert, stay patient and stay safe,” added  Reeve Law.

Here are some tips for Alberta Agriculture and Forestry on driving safe during the harvest season:

  • Ensure the safe transport of equipment on public roadways
  • Be aware of motorists
  • Follow the rules of the road
  • Ensure all lights and reflectors are in place and in good working order. A slow-moving vehicle emblem should be in place and visible from the rear.
  • Return equipment to transport mode to make it as narrow as possible.
  • Check your route before transport to ensure equipment fits safely under power lines and over bridges and culverts that need to be crossed.