Despite the pandemic, the ME Global Lacombe Athletic Park expansion will go on as scheduled. Phase one of the field house expansion will begin as soon as this summer. 

“Based on our other board members who have a background with construction, everything is going according to plan. I would say we’re a little delayed just based on COVID and the restrictions of trying to meet as often or especially when you have paper copies or things like that,” explained Jay Adamson, Chairperson the Lacombe Athletic Park Association (LAPA). 

Phase one of the expansion will include additional public washrooms, seating and bleachers, two full-size dressing rooms, indoor viewing and meeting area, and wheelchair accessible seating. The fundraising for phase two of expansion is still underway.

“We knew that we needed to increase the size of the field house. The park usage when we can book it of course is maxed out. It’s very, very, busy. We needed more bathrooms, for one. That just wasn’t meeting the needs any more of the patrons of the park. We needed more dressing room options because were running into issues when the park was still booked. When high school football provincials were at the park, some of those teams had to change in the high school because we were just running into issues there,” said Adamson. 

Adamson noted that the upgrades were decided in conjunction with the park’s community partners to fit the needs of the community as well as the athletes that use the facility.  

The second phase of expansion will include a running track, steeplechase or hurdles, long jump, triple jump, pole vault and runway specifications, high jump pit and runway, javelin runway and landing area, discus and hammer ring, shot put ring and landing area, and fully automatic timing. LAPA’s wish list of items runs around the cost of five million dollars. 

“There’s a big group of people that want to see the track and of course wanting to see that it will all be built. When we looked at it all, I guess as a board we said you know why are we just focusing on one thing why don’t we try and do it all. ME Global stepped up with that two million dollar donation and really spun a chord. We said we’re going to have to do this all and we got to do it in phases because we still have to do some more fundraising, of course,” explained Adamson. 

Further fundraising is necessary for the completion of phase two. For now, Adamson says LAPA’s marketing plan is at a pause as they wait for businesses to get on their feet after the pandemic as they navigate a challenging economy. 

“We want to be cognizant of what maybe some of the other needs in our community are. At that time, when the economy further starts up maybe businesses are able to further help and support Lacombe Athletic Park we will continue to push that marketing plan. We are working to build the Lacombe Athletic Park brand and make sure people are aware of the facility and the things that we do and also how we are involved in the community,” said Adamson. 

While phase two may take a bit longer due to the pandemic, Adamson noted that LAPA is not prepared to fall short on any of their plans. 

“We’re excited about the expanded field house and what that will further offer the Central Albertan community but also those who continue to book it. We’ll work closely with Athletic Alberta and make sure that we design it as a top-notch infacility not just in Alberta, but in Canada and maybe internationally,” added Adamson.