As the temperatures start to rise (not this week anyway) and the snow begins to melt, City officials want to make sure their storm drains and catch basins aren't blocked, which could cause a dangerous flooding/freezing scenario this time of year.

Lacombe residents can report clogged drains by emailing, attention Public Works, or by calling 403-782-1261. Residents can do it themselves, but they are doing so at their own risk and should always remain cautious. Keep in mind the City prioritizes them by urgency. 

Red Deer residents can give their City a call at 403-342-8111 between 8 am and 8 pm if they see any blocked storm drains, or click here to visit their website for more details. 

Another issue municipalities want to avoid during this pandemic, is blockages and clogging in the wastewater treatment system due to people flushing "disposable" wipes and other non-flushable items down their toilets.

Even products that are labelled as "flushable" do not break down in the were system and can cause major problems. 

These include:

  • paper towels
  • diapers
  • feminine hygiene product
  • cotton balls
  • bandages
  • food scraps
  • fat, oil, and grease

You can find more information about how to protect your pipes by clicking here, to go to the City of Red Deer website.