If you are looking to get back into the workforce, but aren't sure of the skills you need or how to transition your previous skills, there's a program for that.

It's called Career Leap and it's a government-grant funded program that can help people transition to new careers, either in their previous industry or beyond.

Wonai Masvingise is the Program Manager for Career Leap in Red Deer explained they are hoping to reach out to residents more in Lacombe, Innisfail and Sylvan Lake to help get the word out about their services. 

"We look at people who are EI eligible, and we take them through an assessment. If they’re eligible, we can provide a series of workshops to prepare them for the current workforce and get them job search ready. The workshops cover interview prep, resume writing and even just boosting confidence," she explained. 

"We also look at individual barriers to employment to see how we can help there because everyone is different and everyone has a story."

To take part in the Career Leap program, you must be over 18, eligible for EI and most importantly, ready, willing and able to work full time. 

Masvingise said they do have a small portion of clients who may not fit all of those criteria but who could potentially be accepted into the program as well. That is determined on a case-by-case basis, she said. 

The program is funded by a partnership between the federal and provincial governments and got off the ground in April 2019. 

If an individual is able to be accepted into the program, they have options for training components, certifications if needed, short courses and more. 

"Some people might come in and the only barrier to employment they have is that they're missing a couple of safety tickets or need a short course or two," Masvingise said, adding that their services can also help to overcome barriers such as proper work safety equipment, or helping to find a more professional attire. 

All of this begins with an assessment for the Career Leap team to see how they can help and hopefully ends in successful employment. Career Leap also offers unpaid work exposure for people who need job experience and hands-on training. 

A portion of the Career Leap client space is reserved for mature workers, Masvingise added, which helps to prepare them for the new world of interviews, creating resumes and job application processes. She said there are a lot of people who have been at a job for many years and develop a specific skill set and are unsure how to move that forward into a new industry, or even a new company within their chosen professional industry.

To get started with Career Leap, you can head to their website or give the Red Deer location a call at (403) 342-2166.