I had the chance to chat with Vince Roth from the Central Alberta Buccaneers about their annual Drive to Tackle Hunger coming through Lacombe. This fundraising event is back again with help from Lacombe Ford and VNO Exteriors.

On Saturday April 28th, Buccaneers players and volunteers will be going door to door throughout Lacombe, collecting donations for the Lacombe Food Bank! They want to exceed their previous 2500lbs of food, and you can help them out!! They'll be in Lacombe on the 28th from 11:00am to 3:00pm

If you would like, you can drop off Food Bank donations (no cash) to the Sunny studios starting now till Friday the 27th, we are open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on Highway 2A South. 

Get more details here 

Do you know of a great fundraising event Sunny 94 should help promote? Send the details to amckinnon@goldenwestradio.com